Monday, June 1, 2020

Peace Peace

“Peace Peace”, is the cry of many throughout out our nation in response to the aftermath of protest and rioting due to the recent killing of George Floyd by a police officer.

All of the chaos and upheavals we are experiencing today is in one sense is a cry for peace. Peace that our peace-officers would be peaceful and would maintain peace. Peace that a black man can go into any neighborhood in our nation without the threat of being falsely labeled a criminal. Peace in our impoverished communities. Peace amongst all races and ethnicities that would be evident through out all society. Everyone, in one way or another desires peace.

But how to achieve peace has alluded mankind since Cain slew Able. God though, has paved a path whereby one can find peace in the midst of chaos.

There is a Scripture that says, 

“There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”” Isaiah‬ ‭57:19-21‬

This passage is not meant to draw the wicked away from God, but rather to draw them to God. It is both a warning that there is no peace apart from God, and an appeal to come to the only One who can give you peace. 

This peace is not racial peace, it is not global peace, it is not necessarily peace with your neighbor, but it is peace for your soul and it is peace with God.

There is told in the Scriptures that a time is to come when peace shall reign on earth. But for now peace is not reigning, but there is peace still available. Even in the midst of chaos, to the soul that would humbly, sorrowfully and faithfully submit to the only One that can give true and lasting peace. 

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” Romans‬ ‭5:1‬ ‭NASB‬‬